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最初に良いシリーズを見つけるに適用されるOupoライ超えています。ただし、少し遅く霜油が、私の部分は肌の乾燥ですので、私は非常に良い保湿効果を見つける。 mMの乾燥肌のオイルを恐れてはならないので、ない場合は水分は、皮膚の非常に長いしわが簡単です。


Later, a new problem telling a skin care brand in the spring of four large-scale drug susceptibility

skin in the face of the challenges of the summer, the seasonal transformation of sensitive skin is vulnerable to a U.S. network of treatment Shiniabyutikonsarutanto skin protection Do not forget to draw, to be more careful.

1 Cetaphil Series:

Mild detergent: color, spices, soap, etc. This is very recent, cleansing products, in particular, we recommend the use of sensitive skin good doctors across the country, most of the world faces, in many known as a moderate up, teachers are recommended, but often do not hurt the skin clean, this model was recommended.

Moisturizing Cream: Use a unique formula to restore the water-oil film of the skin, can quickly be sustainable in the surface of the skin to supplement the water


Big five "laws" of nutrition and the beauty of the roses

Annie quotes from the end of November 7, 2009 in Tokyo 17:15 minutes editor

Cases, over consumption of blood and blood-feeding women are not good because of the physiological characteristics of the cycle, thus making it yellows, pale lips, limbs, hair, dizziness, vertigo, fatigue, breathing are dry astringent other blood deficiency syndrome shortness of breath. Anemia as well as the vulnerability of early wrinkles, white hair-like symptoms of premature aging of the recession, extraction of teeth occurs. Feet in the blood, ruddy skin, shiny sole, in the pursuit of a beautiful woman's face, body, for nutrition, care must be slim nutritional blood is necessary to note the following points: There you can find:

1, procurement of God:

Meanwhile, feel happy to promote the body, not only have a bright personality, mental and physical help, rosy skin and bone marrow of the powerful can do together to strengthen the body's immune system health hematopoietic function